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Deleting a Family Tree from Ancestry

How do I delete a Family Tree from Ancestry?

When a family tree is deleted, all people and events are removed both from your account and from Ancestry. If photos, attached records, and stories were already on the site before being attached to your tree, or if another member has copied them to their tree, they’ll be removed from your account but will remain on the site.

The name of a deleted family tree continues to appear in search results until family trees are next indexed on the site. However, anyone who clicks on the tree name in search results will see only a message indicating that the tree was removed.

The article discusses the following issues:

  • Deleting a family tree that you created
  • Removing a family tree that was shared with you

Deleting a family tree that you created

1. Click the TREES tab and select the family tree that you want to delete.

2. Click the Tree Name menu and choose Tree Settings.

3. In the bottom-right corner of the page, click the Delete your tree link.

4. Enter your password and click DELETE.

Warning: Deleting a family tree is permanent. Once a tree is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Removing a family tree that was shared with you

1. Click the TREES tab and select Create & Manage Trees from the drop-down menu.


3 .Click the Remove from list link to the right of the tree you want to remove.

4. Click OK to confirm the removal.

Note: This will not delete the tree from Ancestry; it will only remove it from your account.

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