Note: Family Tree Maker 2005 Starter Edition is a 14 day free trial. Once the 14 day free trial is over, the Starter Edition can no longer be used. We recommend installing it after you have received your new Family Tree Maker software and are ready to convert your files.
To download the Family Tree Maker 2005 Starter Edition click here.
As the conversion process will update your file to be a Family Tree Maker 2005 file, we recommend creating a separate backup file from your current version before starting the conversion process.
After downloading and installing the Family Tree Maker 2005 Starter Edition, open your family tree file by following the instructions below:
Converting .FTW files
• After opening Family Tree Maker 2005 SE, click the Open Existing button, or go to the File menu and select Open.
• Using the Open Family File window, find the file you want to convert, select it and click Open.
• .FTW files will open directly. You can now close Family Tree Maker 2005 SE. Your file is automatically updated. You can now import this file into your new Family Tree Maker.
• If you have no other need for the Family Tree Maker 2005 Starter Edition, you can uninstall it from your computer.
Converting .FBK files
• After opening Family Tree Maker 2005 SE, click the Open Existing button, or go to the File menu and select Open.
• Using the Open Family File window, find the file you want to convert, select it and click Open.
• .FBK files require you to save a new working file. A New Family File window should now be showing. Type a name into the File name: field that will allow you to distinguish this converted file from your other ones. Click the Save button.
• You should now have a window showing your tree. Close Family Tree Maker 2005 SE. The conversion is complete. Your file can now be imported into your new Family Tree Maker.