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Changing a relationship in Family Tree Maker

Changing a relationship in Family Tree Maker

Answer ID 4202
How do I change a relationship in Family Tree Maker?

Although the default relationship status for couples in Family Tree Maker is “Spouse,” we understand that this isn’t always an accurate reflection of a couple’s relationship. Once the relationship is created, you can modify both the type and status of the relationship for couples, or the type and preferred status for parent-child relationships.

This article discusses the following:

Choosing a Relationship Between Parents and a Child
  1. Click on the People workspace.
  2. Make sure the individual (child) whose relationship you need to change is the focus of the pedigree view.
  3. Click the Person tab. For Family Tree Maker 2014 the Person Tab is next to the Tree Tab.
  4. Click the Relationships button.


  5. Click the father or mother’s name.


  6. In the editing panel, choose a relationship from the Relationship drop-down list.


  7. If a child has more than one set of parents (biological and adopted, for example), you can choose which parents will show in the pedigree/family view as well as charts and reports.  In the editing panel for the father or mother where you chose the relationship in the previous step, there is a box labeled "Preferred parents".  Click the "Change" button, select the preferred parents from the list, then click OK.

Choosing a Type of Relationship for a Couple
  1. Click on the People workspace.
  2. Make sure the couple whose relationship you need to change is the focus of the family group view.
  3. Click the Person tab. For Family Tree Maker 2014 the Person Tab is next to the Tree Tab.
  4. Click the Relationships button.


  5. Click the spouse’s name.


  6. In the editing panel, choose a relationship from the Relationship drop-down list.


Choosing a Status for a Couple’s Relationship
  1. Click on the People workspace.
  2. Make sure the couple whose relationship status you need to change is the focus of the family group view.
  3. Click the Person tab. For Family Tree Maker 2014 the Person Tab is next to the Tree Tab.
  4. Click the Relationships button.


  5. Click the spouse’s name.


  6. In the editing panel, choose a status from the Status drop-down list.


Note: This article is an excerpt from The Companion Guide to Family Tree Maker. It is a complete guide to creating a family history you and your family will treasure for years to come.

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