Home > FTM 2017 > FTM 2017 for Windows > Fixing Script Errors in the Web Dashboard of FTM 2017 for Windows

Fixing Script Errors in the Web Dashboard of FTM 2017 for Windows

Fixing script errors in the Web Dashboard of Family Tree Maker 2017 for Windows

To fix script errors when trying to load items from the web dashboard, you will need to reload the web dashboard. To do this, please follow the steps outlined below.

Note: You may also need to enable JavaScript in your browser. For more information about JavaScript and Ancestry, please click here.

  1. Before you can access the Web Dashboard in Family Tree Maker 2017, you will need to open a family tree. If you do not already have a tree open, please do so.
  2. Click the Plan workspace, then click the Current Tree tab.

  3. Click the Options button located in the upper-right hand corner of the Web Dashboard.


  4. In window that appears, please uncheck all items listed, and then click OK.


  5. Please close and re-open Family Tree Maker.
  6. Family Tree Maker open again, please click Options again from the top right of the Web Dashboard. Now, re-check all items.


  7. Again, please close and re-open Family Tree Maker.
  8. You will now be able to load items from the Web Dashboard now. Please click an item to confirm this.
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