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Using web clipping to save information to a tree in Family Tree Maker

Using web clipping to save information to a tree in Family Tree Maker

Answer ID 4356
How do I use web clipping to save information to a tree in Family Tree Maker?

This article discusses the following:

Web Clipping Text Information

Note: In Family Tree Maker 2014, the Enable web clipping button resembles a pair of scissors.

Note: The Merged Result section was removed in Family Tree Maker 2014.

  1. Access the online facts you want to add to your tree.
  2. If you want to link the facts to a person in your tree who is different from the currently selected individual, click the Select a different person button in the Person from Your Tree section.


  3. An Index of Individuals will be displayed. Choose an individual and click OK.
  4. Click the Facts tab.


  5. On the Search Result Detail toolbar, click the Enable web clipping button.


  6. When you move the mouse over text in the browser, the pointer will turn into a cursor.
  7. Highlight the text you want to add to an individual.
  8. The Insert Fact drop-down list appears.


  9. Choose a fact from the Insert Fact drop-down list. For example, you can choose the birth date fact. The information now appears in the Search Result Detail section.
  10. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to select any additional facts you want to add to your tree.
  11. When you have selected all the information you want from the website, click Merge. The Web Merge Wizard will launch.


  12. In the Person from Web Search column, choose how you want the information to be merged into your tree:
    • Make preferred. Enter the information as the preferred fact for the individual.
    • Make alternate. Enter the information as an alternate fact for the individual.
    • Discard this fact. Do not merge the information into your tree. Click the Keep sources checkbox if you want to keep the source information (the URL where the information was located) but not the fact. (You can also enter the source information yourself on the Summary page.)
  13. Click Summary to see how the information will be added to your tree.
  14. If necessary, click Edit to enter a source citation for the information. (The default source citation added by Family Tree Maker is the URL where the information was located.)
  15. Click Merge Now. A message tells you when the Web Search result has been successfully merged into your tree.
  16. Click OK to close the message.

Using Web Clipping Tool for Images

Note: In Family Tree Maker 2014, the Enable web clipping button resembles a pair of scissors.


  1. Access the online images you want to add to your tree. 
  2. If you want to link the facts to a person in your tree who is different from the currently selected individual, click the Select a different person button in the Person from Your Tree section.


  3. An Index of Individuals will be displayed. Choose an individual and click OK.
  4. Click the Media tab.


  5. On the Search Result Detail toolbar, click the Enable web clipping button.


  6. When you move the mouse over an image in the browser, the image will be outlined in a green dashed line.


  7. Click on the image that you would like to add to your tree.
  8. A thumbnail of the image will be displayed in the Search result detail section.


  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to select any additional images you want to add to your tree.
  10. Click the merge button to merge the images into your tree.

Web Clipping Text to be Added as a Note

Note: In Family Tree Maker 2014, the Enable web clipping button resembles a pair of scissors.


  1. Access the online text you want to add to your tree as a note. 
  2. If you want to link the note to a person in your tree who is different from the currently selected individual, click the Select a different person button in the Person from Your Tree section.


  3. An Index of Individuals will be displayed. Choose an individual and click OK.
  4. Click the Notes tab.


  5. On the Search Result Detail toolbar, click the Enable web clipping button.


  6. Select either the person icon to add a person note or the notepad icon to add a research note (the padlock icon will privatize the note; this is not a separate type of note).
  7. Highlight the text you want to add as a note.
  8. An Insert Note button appears. Click this to add the selected text as a note.


  9. If you wish, you can edit the text and formatting of the note prior to merging.
  10. Click Merge to add this note to your tree.
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