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Entering additional spouses in Family Tree Maker for Mac

Entering additional spouses in Family Tree Maker for Mac

Answer ID 5291
How do I enter additional spouses for an individual on Family Tree Maker for Mac?

This article discusses the following:

Entering additional spouses

If an individual in your family has been married more than once, you can enter the additional spouse and marriage information.

  1. Go to the Tree tab on the People workspace.

  2. Make sure the individual you want to add a spouse to is the focus of the tree.

  3. Click the Spouse icon next to the individual’s name and select Add Spouse from the drop-down list.

  4. Enter the name of the new spouse and click Done. Family Tree Maker displays a new family group view—this time with the new spouse.

  5. To view the first spouse again, click the Spouse icon and choose his or her name from the drop-down list.

Choosing a "preferred" spouse

If you enter more than one spouse for an individual, you need to indicate who the preferred spouse is. (Usually this is the spouse whose children are in your direct family line.) The preferred spouse will become the default spouse displayed in the family group view, pedigree view, and charts and reports.

  1. Go to the Tree tab on the People workspace.

  2. In the Index panel or pedigree view click the name of the individual with multiple spouses.

  3. Click the Spouse icon next to the individual’s name and select Set Spouse Order from the drop-down list.

  4. Click the name of the individual you want to make the preferred spouse, click Preferred Spouse, and click OK. 

Switching between multiple spouses

You can view the information and children of only one spouse at a time, so you may need to switch between multiple spouses when you want to work with a specific family. You will also need to change spouses if you want to add information about that particular marriage.

  1. Go to the Tree tab on the People workspace.

  2. Make sure the individual with multiple spouses is the focus of the pedigree view and the family group view.

  3. In the family group view, click the Spouse button next to the individual. From the drop-down list, choose the other spouse.

The family group view now displays the individual and the alternate spouse you have selected.
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