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Starting a Web Search in FTM 2017 for Windows

How do I start a web search in Family Tree Maker 2017?

Searching Ancestry

You don't have to wait for Ancestry hints to help you locate records for your family. Family Tree Maker connects directly to Ancestry so you can search the millions of available records at any time.

Note: Although anyone can view Ancestry search results, you must have a subscription to access the actual records and images.

1. Click the Web Search button on the main toolbar.

2. If it's not already highlighted, please click Ancestry.com in the Search Locations list on the left.

3. Use the mini pedigree tree or Index of Individuals button to choose the person you want to search Ancestry for.

  • In the browser you'll notice that the search fields have already been filled in with the selected individual's information.
  • By each field you'll see an Exact checkbox. You can use this option to limit your searches to records that match your search terms exactly. To get the most out of an exact search, you should start by only setting one or two search terms to exact, such as name and location.

4. Add or delete names, dates, and places as necessary.

5. If you only want records relating to a specific country or ethnicity listed in your search results, choose an option from the Collection Focus drop-down list.

6. After making your selections, click Search. A page of search results appears. On the left side of the page you'll see your search terms. On the right side you'll see the different records located on Ancestry that might match your family member.

If you get a large number of search results or matches, you can add more information to narrow your search. Try adding more dates, a spouse's name, gender, or race. (You can also narrow your search by clicking a category link on the left side of the window.) If you get too few results or no matches, delete one or more of your search terms to broaden your search.

Click a search result to see the record or index. The tab at the bottom of the window lets you compare, side-by-side, the facts in your tree with the details found in the highlighted Ancestry record.

If the information matches what you already know about the individual and his or her family, you can merge the information into your tree. For instructions on merging, please click here.

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