Manually adding a source to an individual in Family Tree Maker for Mac
Answer ID 5465
How do I manually add a source to an individual in Family Tree Maker for Mac?
Whether you want to change who is associated with a source, or add an additional person, this can all be done in the Sources workspace.
This article discusses the following:
Adding an existing source to a person
This is typically done when you have a source attached to someone in your tree, but that source also applies to another person, so you wish to have it associated with both people.
Selecting the Source
- First go to your Sources workspace on Family Tree Maker.
- On the left hand side, select the source that you wish to add to another person. You can click the List menu from the upper right hand section and then click on “By person” so that you can choose a person that has the source.
- Go down to the bottom section of the page, and select the New button.
- Choose to whom you want to attach the source and select OK.
- This will attach the source to the person indicated.
Detaching an incorrect source from a person
If you have found that there is an incorrect source attached to a person, the steps for removing the source are very similar to adding a source.
- First go to your Sources workspace on Family Tree Maker.
- On the left hand side, select the source that you wish to add to another person. You can click the List menu from the upper right hand section and then click on “By person” so that you can choose a person that has the source.
- Go down to the bottom section of the page, and select the Unlink button, the icon that looks like a chain link breaking.
- This will not delete the source, but it will detach it from the person it is attached to.