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Adding media items to Family Tree Maker for Mac

Adding media items to Family Tree Maker for Mac

Answer ID 5301
How do I add a media item in Family Tree Maker for Mac?

this article discusses the following:

Adding media items directly to an individual

From the People workspace, Family tab:








Tip: In the file management dialog, you can select multiple media items by Command-clicking on each file you want. A message asks whether you want to link the file(s) to your tree or create a copy of the file(s).


  1. Select the individual you want to add the media to and click the Person tab.
  2. Click the Media tab at the bottom of the workspace.
  3. Click the New button and choose Add New Media from the pop-up menu.
  4. Use the file management dialog to find and select the media item you want to add to your tree and click Open.
  5. The copy to Media Folder window will open. Select the desired options, and click OK.
  • Selecting Copy this file to the media folder for this tree and link to it here will create an additional copy of the image and store it in the media folder for this tree. This option is best for avoiding broken media links.
  • Choosing Link to this file where it is (without copying it) has Family Tree Maker reference the image from its current location. This is the best option when you want to save space on your computer.
  • Select the checkbox for the category you want this item to belong to; you can select multiple categories.
  • You can also choose different categories you want to media listed by. Categories allow you to quickly sort your media.

Tip: You might want select the create copy option so that all your heritage photos and media items are gathered into one central location on your computer. This makes them easier to find and easier to back up as a group.

  • The media item is brought into Family Tree Maker linked to this individual.

Adding media items to the main media gallery

From the Media workspace:






Tip: In the file management dialog, you can select multiple media items by Command-clicking on each file you want. A message asks whether you want to link the file(s) to your tree or create a copy of the file(s).


  1. Click the Collection tab if it isn’t already active.
  2. Click the Add media button from the upper right corner of the workspace and select Add New Media from the drop-down list.
  3. Use the file management dialog to find and select the media item you want to add to your tree and click Open.
  4. The copy to Media Folder window will open. Select the desired options, and click OK.
  • Selecting Copy this file to the media folder for this tree and link to it here will create an additional copy of the image and store it in the media folder for this tree. This option is best for avoiding broken media links.
  • Choosing Link to this file where it is (without copying it) has Family Tree Maker reference the image from its current location. This is the best option when you want to save space on your computer.
  • Select the checkbox for the category you want this item to belong to; you can select multiple categories.
  • You can also choose different categories you want to media listed by. Categories allow you to quickly sort your media.
  • The item is added to the Media workspace.
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