Home > Search Result Detail Issue in FTM 2017 23.2

Search Result Detail Issue in FTM 2017 23.2

Since the release of the 23.2 update for FTM 2017, we have received some reports from users who are experiencing a new issue while using Web Search.

The issue occurs when you either copy/paste a record URL from your normal web browser into Web Search, or navigate to a different record from the one that came up in search results in Web Search.  When you do so, the "Search result detail" in the lower-right part of Web Search (the information that would be merged into the selected person in your FTM tree) is not updating to properly reflect the change in record.

This issue only affects users when the record URL is for a local non-US Ancestry domain - for example, ancestry.co.uk, ancestry.ca, or ancestry.com.au.  It does not affect users if the record URL is from the ancestry.com domain.

There are several workarounds for this issue - if one of these suggestions does not work, please try another, and if you are unable to get any of them to work please come in to live chat to troubleshoot further with one of our agents.


  1. Simply click the Refresh button to the left of Address at the top of Web Search.  For some users this has been enough for the "Search result detail" to update.
  2. Edit the URL (Address) within Web Search by changing the Ancestry domain from .co.uk, .ca, or .com.au to .com, then click Refresh.
  3. Use the standard workflow for finding and merging Ancestry records within FTM - these are the steps shown in Help and in the Companion Guide.  Simply perform a search from within FTM Web Search for the individual in your tree, and locate the specific record you would like to merge from within the search results.
  4. Use web clipping to merge the correct information from the record into your tree.
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