Home > FTM 2019 > Using the Auto-Crop Feature to Add a Portrait

Using the Auto-Crop Feature to Add a Portrait

Clean up the look of your tree with our new profile picture-cropping tool for making portraits of individuals to be used in charts, reports, and on the People workspace.

Until now you pretty much had to use the photos in your media folder “as is” or edit them in another application. Now, smart technology in FTM 2019 detects the person’s face and zooms in just the right amount, then crops a perfect square so that it fits perfectly on each leaf of your tree. And, since the original photo is kept completely untouched, you can easily create several profile pictures from a single group photo. Here's how:

  1. Click the People button on the main toolbar. Make sure the individual you want to add a portrait to is the one selected on the Tree tab or Person tab.
  2. In the editing panel, right-click the person's silhouette and do one of the following:
    • If the photo is already in your tree, click Link to Existing Picture. The Find Media Item window appears. You can change which images from the tree’s media collection are shown by choosing from the View media by drop-down and then selecting a person, source, or category in the list. Find the image you want, click it to select it, and then click OK.
    • If you’re adding a new image, click Add New Picture. Use the file management window to navigate to the image file you want to use. Then click Open.

  3. If the image is a new one, choose whether you want to copy it to the media folder for your tree or just make a link to the file. Then click OK.
  4. In the Edit Profile Picture window that appears, click the Auto Zoom button to have Family Tree Maker® automatically suggest the zoom level and the cropping area for the portrait.

  5. If you want to adjust the cropping area and zoom level manually, drag the photo so that the person’s face is in the center of the view and then use the Zoom slider.
  6. Click OK.

Note: Adjustments to profile portraits such as cropping and zooming are not yet synced between your FTM and Ancestry trees.


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