Home > FTM 2019 > Using the Family Tree Maker Connect App

Using the Family Tree Maker Connect App

IMPORTANT NOTE: Both the Android and iOS versions of Family Tree Maker Connect are now available!  See "Viewing your tree in Family Tree Maker Connect" for more detail. To go straight to the app, click here for the Android version on Google Play or click here for the iOS app store.

The free Family Tree Maker Connect mobile app from Software MacKiev™ provides a real-time view of your TreeVault® Antenna tree. Since the Antenna tree is automatically updated when you make changes in your Source tree in FTM 2019, Family Tree Maker Connect is ideal for sharing the very latest version of your tree with relatives or for using your iPad as a continuous tree view monitor placed next to your computer.

This article covers everything you need to get started with Family Tree Maker Connect. It includes the following topics, which we recommend you review in the order listed:

Purchasing FTM 2019

Starting to work with TreeVault cloud services

Creating a TreeVault Account

Creating a TreeVault Antenna Tree

Viewing your tree in Family Tree Maker Connect

TreeVault User Guide

Getting Support for Family Tree Maker Connect



The Family Tree Maker Connect mobile app is designed to work in conjunction with FTM 2019 and TreeVault cloud services — both are required in order to use Family Tree Maker Connect.  If you have not yet purchased FTM 2019 and you're completely new to Family Tree Maker®, you can buy a copy from our online store at www.familytreemaker.com.

If you own a previous edition of Family Tree Maker, we typically have upgrade discounts available for returning users.  To see if we have any current offers, sign up for our newsletter — also at www.familytreemaker.com — and you'll receive an email back shortly after with more information.





TreeVault cloud services are a set of exciting new tools designed to make your family history research richer and more worry-free. If you'd like to learn more about all of the different services and how you can use them, click here for an overview with links to more detailed information for each.




In order to use TreeVault cloud services, you need to sign up for a TreeVault account. It's quick and easy — click here for step-by-step instructions.




Once you've installed FTM 2019 and created a TreeVault account, your next step is to create a TreeVault Antenna tree.  Not only does the Antenna tree enable you to use the Family Tree Maker Connect app, but also it serves as an emergency recovery option using the TreeVault Emergency Tree™ Restore Service.  Click here for instructions on how to create your Antenna tree.


If you've covered all of the topics above and have created your TreeVault Antenna tree through FTM 2019, you're ready to get started with the Family Tree Maker Connect app itself.

1. With your mobile device connected to the Internet, install the free Family Tree Maker Connect app and open it.  Click here to find Family Tree Maker Connect for Android on Google Play, or click here to find Family Tree Maker Connect on the iOS App Store.

2. Enter the email address and password that you use to sign in to your TreeVault account, and then tap Log In.

That's it! Wait for a short time, and your family tree will appear on your device in family view, with all portraits of individuals and color coding that you have added in FTM 2019 displayed as well.
Now that you have opened the tree on your device, you will still be able to view it even if you go offline. However, you will need to connect to the Internet to get an updated view of your tree with changes that you have made to it in FTM 2019.



There is a full-color TreeVault User Guide with a section dedicated to Family Tree Maker Connect.  You can find it in the Help menu in FTM 2019. 




If you've followed the instructions in these topics and still need assistance, we're glad to help.  If your question is less urgent and you'd like a response by email, please fill out a technical support request form by clicking here.  If you'd like to work directly with one of our agents, we have free live chat available 24/7 — click here to get started.


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